
Post- the third: la chatte américaine est sur le lit...et la chatte française est sur le radiateur


I. Of Cats and Such:

E-mail from American Susan (my mum): "Your Cat seemed to be despondent yesterday without you. She wanted to be left alone, didnt come out of the bedroom except for food & the box. She was a little better this afternoon when I got back but just a little while ago she seems to have come around. I was sitting at the dining room table with my computer she came in & started to meow, she would not stop until I got up & went into the bedroom with her. She needed a love fest & now she is fine. Just proves she is a spoiled brat."

All cats are the same. Generalization. But entirely correct still. Here, the cat (Mougali (sp?)) decided it would be fun to beg me for my breakfast. Yum. Mini-chocolate-chip-weetabix (http://www.weetabix.co.uk/brands/weetabix/weetabix-minis-chocolate-crisp/). Who knew they came mini? Who knew they came avec chocolat? J'adore le chocolat. :) Evidentally, so does a certain chatte! Indeed!

We finally made friends (if only perhaps because she smells Misty, ma chatte, all over my clothes still) and she seemed content enough having me pet her while she sat atop the radiator. Yes, the radiator. Somehow this does not result in singed fur.

I suspect were Misty to try such a trick singed fur would result. This is because (1) Misty a plus poils que Mougali. In fact, Misty is so long-haired that weekly furballs are practically a ritual. Have fun, mum, w/kitty-kitty whilst I'm away. (2) Misty is dumb. First person to try to come to her defense, in response to that remark, has to have their sanity questioned. Miss Misty really is just another pretty face....

II. Of Conflans and Such:

After zealously guarding mon petit déjeuner from that stealthy beastie known as Mougali, I proceeded to take a stroll around Conflans. I went to Parc du Prieuré. See the photos.

After returning, Susan, Alexandre, and I had a très délicieux repas that Susan made. It was yummy crepes with vegetables, as well as salad, and spinach, and baguette. For dessert we had caramel-apple galette, which is traditional this time of year (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galette; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_cake).

This is so good that I again am asking myself why I do not drop out of law school tomorrow to attend culinary school. Oh. Yeah. There is that pesky thing called substantial amounts of educational loans...debt....

Dear UMaine Law, why does "financial aid" consist solely of massive amounts of loans? Massive.

So, after this meal--yum-- Alexandre very kindly took me to the school and showed me around. This will be very good for early next week when I have to go register there. At least I now have a good idea of where I am going. After the school, we went to the train station where I purchased my train pass, so at the least for the month of February I will be able to move about Paris/Conflans/Cergy. Yay! Double-yay for the fact that the rate was reduced this month in response to strikes/issues last month!

On the drive back from the school/train station trip we discussed French auto insurance and American auto insurance. Oh, mum and Professor Wriggins both would be so proud! Yes, I'm a huge dork. Guilty as charged.

On that note, this has gotten lengthy. As you must know, brevity is not quite my thing.... So, for now, I shall say, c'est tout!


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