
1. Exams, 2. Sketchy Train Dude, 3. Future Flight

Photos in this post are in Conflans and along the Seine near where I am living. Often I think to myself, this must be the most beautiful place in the world...especially walking along the Seine...I couldn't imagine being anywhere else!
1. With one meager week to spare, the Université de Cergy-Pontoise finally informed us of the days and times of our exams. Merci...mais...I was scheduled to be in Paris in a much more exciting-- not to mention educational-- French class at precisely the same time. C'est dommage! So, after a tense day of exchanging pissy e-mails, I have arranged to take my French class in the afternoons, and my exams in the mornings. After this zaney week of exams and class, I will have two splendid weeks of just French class, just for me. This is at the Alliance Française Paris, not for academic credit, not for anything save for my own edification and enjoyment. Thus far, it has been the highlight of my time here. Honestly, law classes here have left me a little uncertain. The universities are in upheaval; the semester has been tumultuous and disorganized. Though I can appreciate difficulties in a different system, I feel caught in the middle and compromised....
2. Speaking of "caught," tonight Susan and I are walking the dog and this guy comes up to us-- this sketchy guy who she evidentally knows. Then I realize this is the same sketchy guy I've met and talked to twice in the train station. The first time was early in the morning when I was going to visit my friend Doris and sketchy train dude and I talked about Bush and Obama, with my crummy French, and I was pretty sure he was going to try to either rape me, or kill me, or both! Something is really not mentally right with him! Then there I was tonight and Susan knows this guy and he knows her. A bizarre conversation ensued, with all the typical french kissing on the cheeks, etc., etc., etc. A few weeks ago sketchy train guy had also randomly remarked to Alain (Susan's husband) "DO YOU KNOW!? There's a blonde girl living in your house!?"So then tonight sketchy train guy proceeds to ask me, how long I have been in France. And I reply in French "I am leaving at the end of this month." Then it starts thundering and lightening so we take the dog inside. Yes! A convenient exit. So here I am.
3. Here I am and here I go. June 1 I return to Maine. I'll work. Then at the end of the summer, August 15-29, I will return to Paris. Right now the details are up in the air. The only thing I know is that I have a round trip ticket from Logan to De Gaulle. Presently, that is all I know, all I need to know, and thus all you know. Bonne soirée!

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