Apologies for the long delay in posts. Last weekend with a group from the university I went to Mont Saint Michel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_St._Michel). It was marvellous! Absolutely beyond words. Even these photos don't do it justice!

The next morning, I came home to one of those horrendous "This is a terrible way to tell you, but..." e-mails, informing me that a high school friend, only 23 years old, had died in a motorcycle accident. Again, no words are sufficient.

We take each other for granted, never stopping to contemplate the fragility of life, never stopping to savor every second.... I don't say it frequently enough, but thank you people for being part of my life. Thank you.

St Michel is amazing, I'm glad you got to go. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend - too often life is taken too soon, and we don't know what we had until it is gone.