
Post- the seventh: la neige (the snow)

Salut! Il neige! It is snowing! Actually, it seems to have perhaps let up, but for awhile thick, fluffy flakes were falling. Take my word for that. I'm probably something of an expert on the topic, having grown up in Maine. Truthfully, though, je déteste la neige...mais ce matin j'ai marché et j'ai pris des photos, parce que j'aime prendre des photos. See:

For the remainder of today I think I will stay in though, nice and warm, and conjugate some verbs, or something like that. First person to comment on what I dork I am...well...that person probably has a valid point. *giggles*

Staying in will be okay, though. I spent a lot of the weekend playing "tourist" and meandering about all over. Sacre Coeur was particularly lovely. For additional pictures, I am simply going to implore y'all to sign onto Facebook. I love just walking and walking and discovering something new in Paris. It makes me feel very alive, very real, very human. It is the type of beautiful place where I could just wander and wander and I suspect even after years would still always marvel at something different.

Somewhere in all of this wandering, though, people seem to think I look like the type of person who knows where I am going. Nothing could be further from the truth. Various folks in various languages keep asking me for directions. They would probably have better luck finding "insert-desired-location-here" if I politely, gently, told them to get lost. I don't mean this in any nasty way, but I am incredibly directionally challenged, and even if I know where I am going, I can rarely coherently instruct anybody in any language how to get there! This was a particular problem back when I used to work as an EMT and a good deal of my job was driving ambulances in emergencies!

Speaking of challenges, the next challenge, or perhaps I prefer to think of it as an adventure, will be classes starting up this week. Tomorrow I will go to the school and meet some other folks in the L.L.M. program in which I'll take my courses. They should be nice and stressed out because tomorrow they have some of their first semester exams. I will also submit more paperwork to the school to hopefully get an identification card at some point prior to leaving. I have been told the French tend to collect papers. This does not surprise me after my experience with the French Consulate in Boston. Wednesday I will have my French placement exam, and then French classes will start. Next week law classes commence. Yay! I am eagerly looking forward to all of it, but the unknowns, the newness of it all, makes me simultaneously nervous.

I shall keep you posted. This seems sufficiently lengthy now. As you can likely tell, brevity is not quite my thing. Au revoir!


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