But more like here.

What commenced as my cat Misty not missing me while I spent a semester studying abroad is now her not missing me because I have moved to France. The only thing the cat probably misses is sitting atop my suitcase....
Well, next on our brief tour, is the kitchen. Please keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times, ladies and gentlemen. Food is not cheap here, and there will be no snacking, thank you very much. I also feel like I’m buying food every two minutes because there is no storage. Every meal makes me feel like I’m back in hunter-gatherer times having to go to Monoprix (the big supermarket chain, where you can buy aaaaanything). Also please keep your feet inside the vehicle at all times, I just washed that floor. I have not even been here a week and I have done more cleaning than I can ever remember doing in my last apartment…..
Next we have the living/sleeping/eating/everything room (it’s amazing what 850 euro/month cannot get you in Paris)…. I spared you shots of the other side of the room where I had yet to clean the table. There is also a second bed, a TV, some drawers, and some lamps that you probably are not seeing…. I have to keep a little mystery so folks will come visit me, right?
And finally, the thing that makes it all worth it, the reason for being: my pretty little balcony. Now, if they would just stop doing construction work on the Indonesian Embassy, or whatever that is next door, at the rump-crack-of-dawn!